October 21-22 & 28-29, 2023

Mapping the Body

Anatomical Meridians in Praxis

online on the Mary Dana Yoga Platform

While meridian systems in Eastern theories such as Traditional Chinese Medicine target pathways that connect to organs and their specified functioning - anatomical meridians are similar in their structure, yet vary in functionality. Anatomical meridian lines shape our posture, the way we move in space, and how we perceive our somatic landscape through interoception. The anatomy of myofascial meridians are linked through the connective tissue matrix known as fascia, which surrounds and binds our entire form from head to toe. Fascia stabilizes our muscular system, compartmentalizes our organs, and is a key component to body-mind functionality and somatic resourcefulness. We can utilize this understanding of fascial systems through actionable intelligence–cultivating expansion and efficiency in our posture, walking, and body-minded movement practices through informed movement-based practices that target the map the whole fascial body.

In this training we will develop and utilize the understanding of the fascial-tissue matrix, and apply body-minded movement techniques to address postural conditioning through interoceptive awareness and praxis. It is with inner resourcefulness that we develop fluency and efficiency in body-mind functionality - both on our mats and in our daily movement. This training is great for practitioners and teachers who wish to sharpen the connection to their somatic landscape, are curious about how Anatomical meridian lines shape how we move with or against gravity in space, and intend on adapting informed movement-based practices to address the whole myo(muscle)fascial form. 10 hours bankable to Katonah® Yoga Certification.


Recording provided for one month.

DAY 1: October 21st 11:00am-2:00p EST

  • Introductions, expectations, suggested reading.

  • Tensegrity and Anatomy Trains: Theory and Practice 

  • The Intersection of Myofascial Meridian Lines and TCM Organ Lines

  • The Mind-Body Map in Praxis

DAY 2: October 22nd 11:00am-1:30p EST

  • The Superficial Front Line & Backbends

  • The Stomach Meridian

  • Practice 

  • Q&A

DAY 3: October 28th 11:00am-1:30p EST

  • The Superficial Back Line & Forward Bends

  • The Bladder  Meridian

  • Practice 

  • Q&A

DAY 4: October 29th 11:00am-1:30p EST

  • The Spiral Line & Twists

  • The Intersect of Stomach and Bladder 

  • Practice 

  • Q&A

Supplies Needed

2-4 blocks, 1 strap, pole

Live on Zoom with One Month Vimeo Replays
Early Bird $175 
through september 25th, $225 thereafter